by James Baker Is having the sex worth it? A person has a great job, reputation, family, etc. Then that person will put it all of that on the line, just to have sex with someone! Is the sex worth the shame and damage that the person will suffer? Is the sex worth it? Look at this sex mess that is going on everywhere. Sexual harassment is north, south, east and west. Actors, movie producers, coaches, athletes, singers, music moguls, politicians, news media people, priests, doctors, lawyers, policemen. neighbors. etc It’s just like going to the bathroom; everyone does it. Whew! Where is this world headed? Oh wait, silly me, I should know better. The world according to the word of God is heading straight to hell (2 Timothy 3:13; 1 John 5:19; Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 13:24; Psalms 9:17).
Men are huge offenders because it is they who are getting in most of the trouble. A man needs to respect himself (1 Corinthians 16:13). A man needs to believe in himself that no female in high heels and short skirt can pull his chain at will because he won’t allow her to do so. A man needs to stand tall in his ability to control his emotions and not be like a dog, going around sniffing at every female that walks by. Men need to start being strong and not weak simply at the sight of female flesh, as was King David (2 Samuel 11:2-5). It is also disgusting that some men believe that if a woman shows sexual interest, (they the man) cannot turn her down. That is right out false!. A man can turn down the sexual offers of a women and it has been done before and the word of God commands that it continues to be done by fleeing from fornication (Genesis 39:7-13; 1 Cor. 6:18; Ephesians 5:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; 1 Peter 5:8-9). God made man, He knows what is in man and He isn’t telling man to do something that he cannot do (John 2:24-25). But, I suppose there are some females engaging in sexual harassment. Yeah, women out there hunting and stalking as well (Genesis 39:7-23). To them we say the same thing. Be lady like (Proverbs 11:16). Don’t present yourself as an object of lust. Present yourself as a person deserving the highest respect and integrity (Romans 12:1-2). Because if you don’t, the word of God teaches that you will look like a tramp (Proverbs 5:3-23, 6:23-35, 7:1-27, 11:22). Here are things I would like for people to consider with the hope that it will prevent many from becoming a sexual predator.
A person will have to aspire to do what God said, in order to succeed. The desire to please God will lift a person way above the advances of a sexual offer. I ask that we consider what has happen to all those who have been exposed because of sexual attempts. Learn from their error and don’t follow in their footsteps. Men, turn that woman down! Women, turn that man down! And above all, report them and don’t let years go by. Report the offense when it happens. Comments are closed.
December 2019