Mr. Trump, your mantra has been “Make America Great Again.” If we are going to make America great again we first have to appreciate what made America great in the first place. Our schools no longer teach the truth about how faith in God gave our founders wisdom, civility and the courage to forge a great nation. This, and the onslaught of secular humanism, means making America great again will be no easy task.
It wasn’t just a tax on tea or stamps that led to the American Revolution. It was the understanding that rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable “ they come from God. So not even the king had the right to take them away. Two hundred years ago Alexis de Tocqueville, a French historian and political writer, traveled to America seeking an understanding of what made her great. He wrote about his experience in Democracy in America, published in 1835. He said America’s greatness was not in her natural resources, her commerce, or even in her government. Rather he saw America’s greatness coming from her spirit. This is how he put it: “Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” So, with all due respect Mr. Trump, slogans won’t make America great again until we make America “good” again. What was good about America came from God and our belief that He bestowed His grace on us because we sought Him in our lives and in our government. The enemy of American greatness is the Secular Humanist Progressive movement that has infiltrated all areas of our society and government. It has succeeded in removing God from our society by changing Freedom of Religion into Freedom From Religion. Past presidents who made America great warned that if our republic failed, it would fail from within “ with the loss of our Judeo/Christian values and morals. George Washington who wrote often of Providence, his word for God’s grace, said, “Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” John Adams our second president told us, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Abraham Lincoln a president who actually did make America great again warned, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Since Woodrow Wilson brought the progressive movement to the presidency, the freedoms and liberties won during the War for Independence, and rekindled after the Civil War have been stripped away, little by little. Today unconstitutional court rulings have all but annulled the 1st Amendment guarantee, “Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the free exercise of [religion].” One consequence of this attack on our religious liberty is that the pulpits aflame with righteousness de Tocqueville saw have grown dim. The preachers who stood in pulpits extolling America as a good nation because it was a God fearing nation, have been replaced by those who fear offending the IRS “ and, sadly, their liberal congregants. Make America Moral AgainIt now looks as if you will get the nod as the Republican presidential candidate Mr. Trump. Although I have not been a supporter of your campaign; I will, as I’ve stated in various articles, support and vote for you against Hillary Clinton. She is the epitome of the amoral progressive movement and I don’t believe the America upon which God shed His grace can survive four more years with a secular progressive president. I firmly believe, Mr. Trump, if we are to make America great again, you must be a president willing to lead the effort to Make America Moral Again. We need a president willing to turn back the progressive agenda and allow pulpits throughout America to again be aflame with righteousness “ with no fear of government reprisal. I am writing this letter to you on the National Day of Prayer, Mr. Trump. Today I am praying that all people of faith will come together to make America moral again. I am also praying you will ask God for the same wisdom, civility and courage that inspired our founders. ~Rich Matrisciano ( Comments are closed.
December 2019