by Bryan Matthew Dockens A tremendous movement is underway to abolish human abortion in this country now forty-six years after the Supreme Court declared it legal in its infamous Roe v. Wade decision. Arkansas and Utah have each outlawed the killer procedure in the middle of the second trimester, whereas those States previously allowed it until the third. Kentucky, Mississippi, Georgia, and Ohio have all passed better legislation, criminalizing the infanticidal act when a heartbeat can be detected. The Governor of Louisiana, a democrat, is poised to contradict his party and sign a fetal heartbeat bill, as well. Alabama, best of all, has banned murder in the womb altogether.
The progress gained this year against those who would murder children will be, and already is being, challenged in Federal District Courts. These challenges are likely, and are even intended, to rise to the Supreme Court to finally see the highest court in the land redress its fatal error of 1973. Meanwhile, abortion proponents are panicked and abortion opponents are ecstatic. Social media is filled with debate. If the purpose is to provide good answers (Colossians 4:6), ?speaking the truth in love? (Ephesians 4:15), such debates have potential to be fruitful ventures. Following are some thoughts worth sharing on the subject.
Scripture presents the occupant of the womb as sentient (Luke 1:15, 44) and worthy of protection (Exodus 21:22-25). Let it be so. Comments are closed.
December 2019